July 31, 2020
Dear FANS,
In these tumultuous times, we hold dear the people and the values we cherish. I know that I have found my involvement with FAN comforting and positive. I think of you, our members, and our mission and it gives me heart and a concrete way to be proactive. I hope you feel that way too. Our program committee is working on opportunities for us to be together and learning and sharing. Next week, we will have news on how we can be involved.
The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs estimates that as of the end of April, non-profit arts organizations in Miami have lost $43 million in revenue and 5,377 jobs have been affected. There is no good news in these numbers and the human and cultural loss they reflect. But, at the same time we are seeing our arts organizations using technology to harness their creativity and bring novel education and programming to the community. Technology is not just being used as a vehicle, it is increasingly a new medium, creating new spaces and certainly new and greatly expanded audiences. In their scramble to adapt, arts groups are stretching their vision and outreach and this will be part of their repertoire moving forward.
COVID has also had a major impact on the world of philanthropy. Look at FAN. We assessed the crisis and rapidly moved beyond “business as usual” to an urgent and flexible response to our grantees’ needs. The Council on Foundations recently published a clarion Call to Action which outlines what funders must do to support the arts in these times. FAN is where we need to be I am proud to say!
FAN is learning and growing with this crisis. As a membership organization, we are “unique” in that FAN’s actions are a direct reflection of your individual and collective commitment to keeping the arts vibrant in Miami. Now that is something positive in these tough, tough times. For those of you who have not already done so, do make sure you renew your membership; it counts.
Take good care,
Paula and the Board of Directors
May 5, 2020
Dear FANS,
We are proud to announce that the FAN Board of Directors voted unanimously to distribute all award funds for the 2020/2021 grant cycle—$270,000— to the grantees in order to support them NOW as they deal with this terrible crisis. FAN’s prompt action is aligned with major funders of the arts all over the country who are rushing to provide support to shuttered arts organizations and struggling artists.
THANKS to the many proactive FAN members who have spontaneously started to send in their membership renewal for the next fiscal year, even before receiving their invoices. Many notes accompanied their payments saying it has never been more important to be a FAN member and support the arts. How true! At a time when each of us is under stress and uncertainty surrounds us, we are absolutely inspired that you/we are proactively here for the arts and each other.
Stay well and safe.
Paula and the Board of Directors
March 20, 2020
Dear FAN Members,
What an unpredictable unbelievable time this is. We hope that everyone is taking the necessary precautions and that you have the support system in place to help you through this frightening and stressful period.
At this extraordinary time, FAN’s mission to support the arts could not be more important.
We remain steadfast in our desire to help support our local visual and performing arts organizations. FAN is sensitive to the severity and deep impact the situation caused by this pandemic has made and will continue to make to the arts community until we return to “normal.” Even though the crisis has caused arts organizations to shutter for this season, we know from their emails to us that they are focused on addressing their specific closures, program cancellations, and if possible, future rescheduling plans. There is an overwhelming similarity in their messages – because crisis challenges affect arts groups in the same manner, whether they are large or small.
The FAN Board and I want to reassure our members that FAN is honoring, indeed expediting, its grant obligations. Michaela Segall, FAN’s Grants Manager, and the co-VPs of Grants, Beverly Greenberg and Lisa Lachman, have been communicating with our grantees who are earnestly attempting to do their best for their organizations and staff. Our grantees are grateful for FAN’s immediate support and wish to extend their appreciation to you, for your membership makes all of our efforts possible.
Because FAN has cancelled the May 5th, 2020 Annual Meeting and Grant Award Luncheon, we will now be virtually presenting the final award decisions to our grantees and members in April. Thanks to your membership contributions, FAN will award a total of $270,000 to 25 Miami-Dade County visual and performing arts programs. These creative, exceptional, topical and “WOW” programs are in motion to be presented to Miami-Dade County audiences within 2020/2021.
In this crisis, FAN is a ray of hope for our arts community. We are committed to being as flexible and supportive as we can be to each other and our partners in the arts.
On behalf of the FAN Board of Directors, and myself, we send you sincere wishes for safety, and good health.
Paula Finkle
P.S. Please enjoy these images and be transported to an online arts experience.
March 16, 2020
Dear FAN Members,
This is certainly a turbulent time for everyone. We hope that you and your families remain safe and healthy throughout this global crisis. The nation’s top infectious disease expert advises that it will be a while before things start to feel normal again. In an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the CDC is now advising against gatherings of 50 or more people for the next 8 weeks.
Sadly, the current situation requires FAN to make some difficult decisions regarding our upcoming Spring Cultural Camaraderie events and our 24th Annual Grant Award program and Membership Luncheon.
The health and safety of our members is our top priority. FAN will be taking the following steps out of an abundance of caution to help protect our members and community:
- In compliance with the CDC recommendation, FAN is cancelling the May 5, 2020 Grant Awards and Membership Luncheon. The grantees will still receive their awards, albeit via a congratulatory email, along with an award certificate and the FAN contracts. Our members will receive an equally exciting celebratory email announcing the 2020-2021 grantee programs and the “Member’s Choice” program awards. We will miss being together for this event but will celebrate with our grantees throughout the year to come.If you have already mailed your response card and check to the registrar, please know that Teresa Zohn will contact you directly.
- All Cultural Camaraderies for the remainder of the season (March, April, May 2020) have unfortunately been cancelled. FAN has been in contact with the grantee organizations who appreciate FAN members’ support during these extraordinary times. Thanks to all our March FAN CC hosts who were on-the-spot in planning and executing the preparations for these much-anticipated events.
- All FAN Board and Committee face-face meetings for the next 8 weeks have been cancelled, however we will continue to be connected to each other, to our members and grantees by phone, video chat, or email.
The FAN Board of Directors and I continue to thank you, our FAN members, for your continued support to our organization. Our members, your families, our grantees and the entire Miami-Dade community are in our thoughts and prayers as we navigate together through this challenging period.