Dear FANS,
Many of us have mastered the “new world” of technology and are now active participants in a variety of Zoom events, including FAN’s ZOOM programs.
We are learning how to navigate the screens in front of us and understanding the lingo required to participate online.
This month I want to talk about ‘MUTE’ and ‘UNMUTE.’
In many ZOOMs, we are automatically muted by the host. We only occasionally get the chance to unmute ourselves and get the opportunity to verbally comment, or chat casually with a friend on the screen.
Please UNMUTE yourself!

Are you ready to volunteer and be part of FAN’s future?
Do you have some time to volunteer and join a FAN committee?
Interested to participate and become involved?
FAN committees are a fun way to meet other FANs, and ‘UNMUTE”.
We are a very talented group of people, lots of skills, lots of ideas and now, many of us have lots of time as we stay at home. Take a look at our committee list and let me know where you might like to invest your time.
- Communications
- Grants
- Membership
- Programs
- FAN’s 25th Anniversary Committee
We need more hands, more expertise and more member volunteers. I would love to hear from you.