The Funding Arts Network (FAN), formerly fifty over fifty, inc., is a non-profit 501[C]3 organization dedicated to the cultural enrichment of the Miami-Dade community by providing a funding source for local visual and performing arts programs.
Funding Arts Network’s governing documents, conflict of interest policy, financial statements and Form 990 are available for public inspection upon written request to FAN at [email protected]
FAN was established in 1996 with an initial goal of 50 members, each contributing $1,000 to an annual funding pool for the arts. The first grant awards were made in December 1997 to seven organizations receiving a total of $50,600. Between 2008 and 2011, in a unique collaborative partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, FAN presented four FAN-Knight “New Work” awards for a total of $150,000. Over its 28 year history FAN has provided over $6,100,000 in grants for visual and performing arts programs, including the AWARE Grants Initiative, an extraordinary $200,000 donated by members and supporters to mark our 25th anniversary.
Declining government and corporate support require private philanthropy to provide leadership in funding arts programs. FAN offers a source of support for the arts and provides a vehicle for expanding education, involvement and appreciation of the arts for its members. By pooling our membership dollars, we make a larger impact in our community.
Membership contributions create FAN’s annual arts support fund. A competitive grants program provides awards yearly to non-profit visual and performing arts organizations for presentations in Miami-Dade County. Grant finalists are selected through a rigorous screening process in which member screening teams review and discuss the applications submitted by the arts organizations. FAN provides professional training in grant evaluation to screening teams. All FAN members vote by mailed ballot for grant award recipients.
Quarterly membership luncheons showcase new trends, developments and issues related to the visual and performing arts. They feature discussions among leaders in the local arts community and provide a lively forum for expanding awareness and understanding of the arts today.